
2025 Board of Directors

2025 Board of Directors

Builders Council

The Builders Council consists of all members, but focuses on builder, developer and remodeler issues and concerns. The council works with government officials in all 54 municipalities on matters concerning local building codes, ordinances and regulations affecting achieving attainable housing. Local area representation is critical to impose change. The more builders at the table, the stronger our voice is!

Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee oversees and coordinates the government affairs activities and programs of the association in order to execute the public policy goals and objectives of the association.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for finding effective ways for recruiting and orientation of new members, maintaining the retention of current members by keeping them active and informed, planning member networking events and recognizing the Association Spike Members through an annual event.

NoCo HBA Foundation

The NoCo HBA Foundation is the Northern Colorado Homebuilders Association's charitable arm, partnering with our members and other local organizations to build relationships and enhance the lives of challenged segments and individuals of our Northern Colorado community.


The Events Committee identifies opportunities to generate non-dues revenue through member and community engagement and focuses on fundraising and networking events geared towards member participation. SPRING EVENT (formerly Home Show) Develops, produces and oversees all aspects of the association’s spring event as a source of non-dues revenue for the association. GOLF TOURNAMENT Develops, produces and oversees all aspects of the association’s Golf Tournament as a source of non-dues revenue for the association. PARADE OF HOMES Develops, produces and oversees all aspects of the association’s Parade of Homes as a source of non-dues revenue for the association. Duties and Responsibilities: Selects site(s) for the annual Parade of Homes Develops and updates annually a set of rules and regulations governing the event Oversees the development of the Parade of Homes guide Develops a budget in cooperation with the Treasurer and Finance Committee Works with the Public Relations Committee regarding promotion of the Parade of Homes Coordinates all logistics for the Parade, including building registration, volunteer participation and public participation

Workforce Development Commitee

The Workforce Development Committee focuses on creating and maintaining local school district partnerships, prooting and benefits of the construction industry while encouraging career opportunities through events and educating students and parents. Also, they develop effective ways for students to be placed in a job with NoCo HBA Members.